Wei Yi tells you: Time is fair, everyone has only 24 hours. But time is also ruthless, it will not give you more time because of who you are. So we should cherish every minute and every second, and work hard to pursue our dreams. Meet the right teacher at the right time, then you can rise step by step!

The intraday market gave a slow upward trend in the morning, and in the afternoon it formed the market we are familiar with and like, a unilateral rise. Just the right hand. Recently, it has also continuously given us a unilateral rhythm trend. In the morning, Wei Yi entered the market more, and the big cake took more than 1,000 points of space, and the ether took more than 60 points of space. The market also went out of Wei Yi's expectations as expected. If you don't follow Wei Yi, who will?

From the current structure, the market is in a unilateral upward trend. At present, the K-line has finished accumulating momentum. The big positive line has jumped directly and rushed out of the shock area. It is obviously rising on the resistance level. The 65,500 level is also an obvious bottom line support. The moving average has also turned downward and obviously bent downward. The K-line decline is a normal trend, and the bullish pattern has not changed.

Pie: More around 65,500, target 67,000

Ether: More around 3,000, target 3,100

I don’t know how to go ahead, but I can encourage you on the road of value investment! $BTC $ETH #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件