A day in the life of a post-00s trader: #交易员 #BTC

) Get up at 8am: have breakfast, turn on the computer, reply to Twitter messages, check Twitter, and see the market hotspots of the day

) 10am: Start writing market analysis of the market (review + data research) and organize it into short articles and publish it on various platforms and communities. ) 12pm Watch the K-line analysis of major YouTube bloggers and collect different voices to judge the direction of the future market.

Most of the afternoon is spent paying attention to the trends of various valuable communities, and then I personally look for opportunities to do short-term trading (earn living expenses).

I will also rush to the local dog, which is to follow the news of friends. I personally have not studied this area~ At night, I relax and play games, sometimes watch food broadcasts, watch TV series, and then go out to play billiards until midnight and go home to sleep😪

How about you? I want to know how everyone lives😄