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The focus today is on CPI. No matter how good or bad the CPI data is, it will not affect the Fed's plans in June and July. The next interest rate meeting after July is September. September is the most critical month, not only will there be an interest rate meeting, but also a dot plot. Even so, it has no effect on the market. The market always plays in expectations, so even if today's CPI cannot affect the Fed's decision, the market will still stubbornly believe that it will.

Well, don't fight with the market. After all, the market is always right. After all, your assets are in the market. So just wait for the CPI data at 20:30 tonight. As long as it is lower than expectations and lower than the previous value, the market will give positive feedback; if it is higher than expectations and higher than the previous value, the market will give negative feedback; if it is equal to the previous value and higher than expectations, it is also negative feedback.


The price did not complete the upward hunting yesterday and directly chose to fall back. Therefore, there is still a probability of waiting to be hunted above 63500. The current price has reached the 1H demand area, and there is no obvious accumulation structure at the small level. The probability of downward hunting also exists. Wait for the fluctuations and direction choices of the evening data time.


Similarly, the price follows BTC and chooses to step down and stays in the 1H2900-2860 demand zone. The price reaction has not formed a small-level accumulation, so there is a probability of continuing to hunt down the previous low. Wait for accumulation to appear before considering the buying plan at this position. Keep waiting!

Optimize the quantitative strategy configuration plan:

Countermeasures for insufficient positions:

Suspend all strategies (to avoid locking the API), and set the strategy type to conservative or extreme!

If you have a spare position, you can transfer the spare position to the spot account!

If there are positions that are released, the strategy of the currency with large floating losses can be suspended first, so that the closed positions can be used to release positions with currencies with small floating losses more easily and profitably!

Seize the opportunity of market rebound, release the currency positions, and adjust and reduce the position ratio in time!

Enable sharding strategy as appropriate! (2-3 shards)

In the current market, we can focus on implementing this practical technique (with good results):

1. After the strategy covers the 4th position, the strategy type can be adjusted to conservative!

2. When the 4th position of the strategy is closed with profit, adjust the strategy type to stable or volatile!

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!