If you want to make it big in a short time, it is good to diversify your portfolio depending on how much you have

You can even make $50 portfolio and make much more gain than someone trading with $300

I will buy these coins in this order:

1. BEL 👉 $30

2. Rune 👉 $30

4. ALGO 👉$30

5. Shib 👉 $20

6. DOGE 👉$20

7. XRP 👉$20

8. $PEPE 👉$30

Then leave the remaining $20 in your wallet as floating $$ in case of eventuality

But if you got more money to invest, you can DCA on each coin

The most important thing is to learn how to spread out your portfolio using promising coins

Don't forget, always have a stable coin in your wallet

🛑 don't exhaust it buying crypto coins

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