
Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested!!

Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France on serious charges, including terrorism, pedophilia, and drug trafficking. The arrest comes as a shock to the tech world, given Durov's reputation for privacy and security.

According to French authorities, Durov is accused of facilitating the distribution of illegal content on Telegram. They believe that the platform has been used to traffic drugs, promote child exploitation, and spread extremist ideologies.

Reactions to the Arrest:

Russian Officials: Russian officials have condemned the arrest, calling it a "political tool" to gain access to Telegram users' personal information. Deputy Speaker of the Russian Parliament, Vladislav Davankov, has urged the Russian Foreign Minister to secure Durov's release.

Elon Musk: Tech mogul Elon Musk has publicly acknowledged the arrest, though he has not provided any additional details.

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