Let me share a little knowledge! ! !

Some new friends asked me what does "trading" mean. In simple terms, it means buying low and selling high.

How do we seize this opportunity? There is a relatively simple way. For example, you spend 20 yuan to buy 10u (one coin) of A-coin. After a while, you find that it has fallen to 5u (one coin). At this time, you can buy twice the price of the last bottom-fishing, which is 40 yuan.

At this time, our cost is 60 yuan. When it rises back to 7u (one coin), the value will reach 70 yuan. At this time, you will make a net profit of 10 yuan if you sell it.

That is, (first bottom-picking - second bottom-picking)/current price>1 can guarantee your profit

That is to say, when bottom-picking, because you may be bottom-picking halfway up the mountain, we generally do not recommend all-in. The first time, only invest 2% of your total warehouse and buy in batches. The bottom average price is the kingly way. If a b allows you to buy 4-5, then you should consider whether the b you chose is correct. You do not have unlimited bullets, and every bottom-picking should be cautious

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