In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius, Mencius, and Zhuangzi all sold courses. They only talked but did not work. They only sold opinions, and finally all became gods.

Su Qin, Zhang Yi and other people were consultants. They gave the emperor advice without implementation and were responsible for igniting the emperor's dream. If the emperor did well, he would be given a high position and generous salary. If he did not do well, he would run away and continue to fool other emperors.

Shang Yang, Wu Zixu, Han Fei, Li Si, and Wang Anshi were the most miserable. They were responsible for the whole case and worked hard. If it succeeded, the birds were gone and the good bows were hidden. If it failed, the emperor would be punished and Chao Cuo would be executed. The whole case was dead.

Selling courses is the choice of wise men. They are not responsible but only solve doubts.

Consulting, win with wisdom, and basically you can live a stable life without taking responsibility.

The whole case, implementation, are all risks.

Consensus coin BTC and even meme are selling courses and new ideas, and they are the best.

Most of the copycat coins sell consulting and have been expanding the story of encryption. Although they are not implemented, the dream is always there.

The worst are those who do implementation solutions, whether it is real estate/games/social. Most of the scenarios involving practical use have died, or changed careers to pursue dreams.

The ancients had no time to mourn themselves, but later generations mourned them; later generations mourned but did not learn from them, which also caused later generations to mourn later generations.