Let's do two calculations first:

Suppose you start working in 2012, earning 10,000 yuan a month, and you pay more than 1,600 yuan for five social insurances and one housing fund, and the company pays more than 3,000 yuan. We don't count the company's expenses, and use your own 1,600 yuan to invest monthly.

Your total expenditure is:

If the fixed investment is Bitcoin, the income will be about 180 million;

If you invest in Nasdaq ETF, you will earn about 1 million.

Don’t think that investing in US stocks/Bitcoin is not serious. The US 401(K) personal pension is designed this way. And now that Bitcoin spot is listed on ETFs, it is completely possible to operate in this way.

But if you work in a government agency or public institution, you can still continue to pay, because 6.21% of government agencies and public institutions received 55.87% of the pensions.

It is also very creative to divide pensions into three categories according to occupation.

In addition, I will compare the pension standards of the evil capitalist country Canada, which has more types:

If you have paid pension in Canada, you can receive a basic pension equivalent to RMB 7,000 when you are over 60 years old.

If you have not paid pension, you can only receive a free guaranteed pension of 4,000 yuan after you turn 65.

The free pension is only 4,000 yuan. What should I do if it is not enough to live on?

If your family income is less than 200,000 RMB, the couple can receive an additional 5,000 RMB each on average.

If a spouse unfortunately dies, the surviving elderly person can receive an additional subsidy of more than 8,000 yuan.

In other words, if you are in Canada, you can still receive more than $10,000 even if you don't pay pension. The principle of rule design is to protect low-income groups.

Their contribution rate is 9.9%, with employers and employees each paying half (self-employed people pay the entire amount)

In China, if the monthly income is 10,000 yuan, the employee pays 1,600 yuan and the employer pays an additional 3,000 yuan. The contribution ratio = 4,600 yuan/13,000 yuan = 35%

By the way, Canada also has delayed retirement.

However, their plan is based on a voluntary principle, and the recipient can receive an equal amount of pension for every month of delay.