Everyone is waiting for the CPI to come out with a direction tonight, but it may not come out with a direction, which means it is not following the usual path! If you want to wait for the CPI result to see whether the interest rate will be raised or not, then don't wait, the interest rate will continue to rise!

The main focus in the currency circle is reality, the difference between building a position and not building a position, not to mention retail investors and kols. Remember that Standard Chartered Bank said in 2022 that Bitcoin will fall to US$5,000 in 2023, and now it will be US$50,000 by the end of the year!

Therefore, whether it is a large institution or a kol, the price prediction depends on whether there is a position, so there is no point in predicting the price. Instead of predicting the price, it is better to predict what I will eat tonight!

I am a bull but I don’t predict prices. I only talk about the deeper logic behind it. My previous posts may seem nonsensical but they are actually well-founded. If you can understand them, they are good advice. If you can’t understand them, it will feel like I’m talking nonsense.

If you can see all the way through and can execute it, then you must have a lot of low-priced cakes and ethers. Of course, there are also cottage industries that are trapped, but if you gather the funds, the overall profit and loss ratio must be positive. The fear is that you don’t understand it and don’t want to understand it, and finally you end up in a vicious cycle between buying and selling! ##BTC #ETH