Looking at Bitcoin today, the short-term market began to adjust after Sol’s hourly line hit the resistance level. However, Bitcoin and Ethereum have not yet reached the resistance level and have adjusted following Sol. Therefore, it can be judged that Bitcoin and Ethereum are following the rebound and have not pulled the market autonomously. Therefore, the focus needs to be on observing the trend of Sol among the three major weighted currencies. If Sol wants to break out of the rising relay pattern, then the best situation is to oscillate strongly between 135-140, and then drive the market upward. However, as I just said, Bitcoin and Ethereum are not autonomously pulling the market, so the upper resistance level of Bitcoin and Ethereum will be reached after Sol breaks through the rebound high, Bitcoin 60500, Ethereum 3050. In general, Bitcoin and Ethereum still need to pull the market autonomously to drive the market upward more fiercely. Sol alone is very tiring. #BTC走势分析