Trading Basics 

What is trading? 

It's probably wise to kick 

things off with a 

definition of the topic 

we'll be discussing. A 

staple of economics, 

trading simply refers to 

the buying and selling of 

assets. When you buy 

your groceries at the 

local shop, that's a trade. When you exchange your old PC for a new game 

console, that's a trade. We could go on forever here. To cut a long story 

short, any activity where you give something to someone in return for 

something else is a trade. 

This principle really extends to the financial markets. You trade financial 

assets like stocks, bonds, Forex pairs, options, cryptocurrencies, etc. Don't 

worry if you don't know what any of those are yet. By the end of this book, 

you'll be an expert! 

What is investing? 

You might hear people talking about trading financial instruments, but you 

might also hear them talking about investing in them. The aim in both of 

these activities is similar (let's make some monaaay!), but they're 

somewhat different in their methodologies. 

When you invest in something, you're hoping to get a return on that 

investment – the goal is to get back the money you put in, plus some 

more. For example, you could buy a run-down fast food restaurant for 

$100,000, fix it up, and try to resell it for $500,000 in a few years. You 

