"May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you,

I want to share with you a photo I took next to our tents in Gaza after the targeting we were subjected to. On a cryptocurrency trading platform, we are talking about losses. But have you ever thought about the difference between your loss in currencies and our loss in our lives?

Here we are in Gaza, living in tents after our homes were destroyed, but even in the midst of this suffering, we feel satisfied with God’s will. Your losses in trading are nothing compared to our losses. Let's remind each other to pray for ourselves and each other, and we promise to pray for you as well.

At the same time, I want you to think about the difference between your suffering and our suffering. We face the daily challenges of being homeless, while your trading losses may be part of your financial journey. However, we fight to survive and make hope out of difficulties.

So, please, do not forget to thank your Lord for the blessing of security and stability that you enjoy. At the same time, remember that there are thousands of us in Gaza waiting for your prayerful support and follow-up.

Let us be one hand on this journey, supporting each other and supporting each other in difficulties. Thank you for your interest and support, and let's communicate and share to be stronger together.

Please accept our regards, [Moatasem]”

#REZ #Binance