
Of great concern is the escalation of attacks on our Palestinian accounts on the digital currency trading platform Binance, as many of them have been blocked arbitrarily and unjustifiably. This is not just a restriction on freedom of expression, but rather represents a huge loss of millions of dollars that the Palestinians have in these accounts.

This difficult situation reflects a painful reality for the entire world, where our financial rights and investments are being unjustifiably put at risk. The conviction and prison sentence of the Binance founder does not change anything, but rather should be a call for all of us to confront this unacceptable phenomenon.

So, we appeal to you all to pray for us and follow us, because we need your support more than ever. Let us face these challenges together, and together we can ensure that the voice of justice and humanity will never be silenced.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Best regards, [Moatasem]”

#CZ #Binance