TON (Telegram Open Network) is a decentralized platform developed by Telegram. It is based on a proprietary protocol that offers a set of tools for creating and managing tokens. Within the TON system, tokens play an important role, and their tokenomics have several key features.

Grams: The main token in the TON system is grams. They serve to pay for transactions and commissions on the network. Grams can be used to purchase other tokens, services and goods within the TON ecosystem. Their supply is limited, which makes their value more stable and predictable.

Application Tokens (AppCoins): TON allows developers to create their own tokens that can be used inside their applications. These tokens can serve various purposes, such as paying for services, participating in voting, gaining access to privileged functions, etc. Application tokens can be created using smart contracts, making them secure and automated.

Participation Tokens (Stake Tokens): The TON system provides the opportunity to participate in a consensus mechanism called “Proof of Stake” (PoS).

To be continued in the next post.🔜