How strong will the adjustment be this time? How long will the correction last?

Looking back at the interruption of the 2021 bull market (519),

the price of Bitcoin fell by about 55% from mid-May to June 21,

and then hit a small bottom in mid-July. The entire rectification process took about 2 months.

After that, the second half of the bull market officially began.

But there is an interesting phenomenon. After June 21, those game coins that were particularly popular at the time did not fall again with Bitcoin, but opened the second half of the market in advance.

Now it is 2024, and the current wave of correction is about 20%. The correction really started in early April, and so far, it has been less than 28 days.

So, in terms of time, the correction may not be in place; but in terms of magnitude, I think BTC is unlikely to set a new low. After all, the first half of the last bull market rose too much, and the correction was also deep. The increase in this round of bull market is relatively small, and the correction should be relatively mild.

If you want the correction to really end, it may take time to hone. Please wait patiently and don't rush.

In fact, it is not difficult to buy coins. The hard part is how to buy good coins.

My experience is that no matter whether the market is bullish or bearish, you must always keep 50% of your positions in BTC and ETH.

After all, these two are the leaders of the currency circle and are stable. The remaining 50% position can be used to gamble on those potential altcoins. Especially when the bull market reverses, the prices of those altcoins will fall into a mess.

At this time, buy some consensus and promising ones. When the bull market comes, the returns will be incredible. Of course, there are many hot spots in the bull market, but don't be greedy. Just spend some money to play.

If you make more than five times, stop quickly and change to BTC and ETH, so that you have a bottom line in your heart. Remember that finance is like a Ponzi game. When the tide recedes, it will be clear who is swimming naked. Be smart and run fast before the bubble of these new projects bursts.

Let's talk about selling coins.

Many people become shareholders by speculating in cryptocurrencies, and always want to sell at the highest point, but to be honest, that highest point can only be known afterwards.

I think there are two more reliable ways to sell: one is the target profit method, which is to set a profit target for yourself, or find a price, place an order in advance, and sell when the target is reached.Don't be greedy. Another is the technical indicator method.

For example, look at MACD and K-line charts. When the 5-day moving average crosses the 7-day moving average, and MACD DIF crosses DEA, it may be a signal of a big drop. Take Ethereum as an example. This theory has been quite accurate in the previous few big drops.

Finally, let's talk about short positions.

To be honest, it is not easy to be short. You have to endure a long wait and watch others make money. But real masters know how to hold coins in a bull market and short in a bear market.

The highest realm of trading is short positions, because short positions wait for a big drop, and then enter the market when the market is in chaos, then the profit is the largest. According to the volatility of ETH, if you seize the opportunity of a 20% drop four or five times a year, the profit is also considerable.

So, the matter of speculating in coins is really not a casual play. You must know how to buy, sell and short positions. Only in this way can you make money steadily in the big waves of the crypto market.

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