After years of research and development, the Stacks blockchain is undergoing an overhaul. The deployment of the largest upgrade of the Bitcoin scaling layer to date began at Bitcoin block height 840,360, initiating a two-step process that will conclude around the end of May.

Called Nakamoto, in honor of Bitcoin's mysterious father, the upgrade will separate the Stacks block production schedule from Bitcoin's production schedule. Although the layer 2 network has a higher transaction throughput than Bitcoin (processing about 7 transactions per second), as originally designed, Stacks produced blocks at a similar rate to Bitcoin, leading to problems. jam.

Nakamoto will introduce a new way to produce Stacks blocks, updating its unique proof-of-transfer consensus algorithm. Starting today, new block “signers” will come online to validate “tenures” of transactions.

Before the upgrade is fully activated in May, all of this is just “practice.”

For regular Stacks users, the developers recommend checking to see if you are using an updated wallet, which in many cases will happen automatically. For STX stakers, Monday's initialization will automatically unlock tokens, which can then be retaken when the Nakamoto pools go live, possibly next week.

There is currently approximately $1.3 billion of STX staked onchain, representing about a third of the total circulating supply of $4.2 billion, making it one of the largest profitable pools associated with Bitcoin.

The STX token rose more than 16% to around $3.10 in the past 24 hours, placing it in the top 25 tokens by market capitalization for the first time before falling to current levels.

Source: TradingView
