Short-term position change, the CITY in the daytime has been replaced with BOME CHZ. You can go to the post record. Find - Ostrich on a certain audio 👂. You can see Brother Ostrich. The rebound continued to around 63,000 in the evening and continued to consolidate. The consolidation target is 58,000-55,000. In extreme cases, it may be 53,000. But the probability is low. April and May are very difficult and very torturous. I have said that 58,000 for a few days can be seen in Brother Ostrich's previous posts. Follow Brother Ostrich 👇🏻, find Brother Ostrich, and many people will open Tencent meetings to teach how to read the market for free. Position management Brother Ostrich is a Taoist who pays attention to fate in everything. If you read and operate the previous post, you can also earn tomorrow's pig's feet meal money.

All my own experience, it is too difficult to do without opening contracts in this bull market, and the funds are getting bigger and bigger.

The last bull market 200 dollars rolling position 160w dollars is not suitable. Figure 2 is a long screenshot of the previous record. The position of 10,000 dollars was made by the rolling position method. I am not bragging. I usually talk about some spot operation ideas and some varieties. There is a way to quickly fight with little funds. There is something called currency standard, which cannot be explained clearly in words. If you are lucky, listen to my live broadcast. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #抄底最佳时机 $BTC $ETH $BNB