Mastering Crypto

Apr 16・22.7k views
🚨Last Call: Binance $OMNI Launchpool 1 Day Left to End!
🤔The question everyone is wondering is how many dollars is #OMNI ?
👉Total supply is 100 million units.
👉The initial circulation supply will be 10 million 391 thousand 492 units.
💸If the market cap is $300 million, it will be $28.
💸If the market cap is $400 million, it will be $38.
💸If the market cap is $500 million, it will be $48.
ℹ️ You can also make price analysis using (marketcap / quantity in circulation).
✍️We see an average mcap of $350 million in coins released with #BinanceLaunchpool. $OMNI OTC price is $42, meaning $436 million mcap. It is a very normal price, so I expect it to open at this average price.
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