#BTC #Bitcoin #Ethereum(ETH)

And I wanted to stop getting involved with this Bitcoin, focusing exclusively on alt

And it doesn’t work, because PMs and chats are filled with the same questions :)


Back in October I told the guys in closed rooms that the cue ball trend is “sponsored” by ETF and Halving hypes

He said that I consider these two events as a combo of two events for acceleration and subsequent distribution of the cue ball

He said that the closer to halving, the less interesting the cue ball is, the more interesting the viola is

Why? It's simple

In a bullish cycle, the cue ball comes first. Then - viola. There's no point in inventing a bicycle

Sometimes the simpler the scheme, the more workable it is. And the crowd will outsmart itself anyway

Before a reversal in the essence of the market itself, capitulation is needed

We saw it at the military technical cooperation in November 2022. The reason is not so important, what is important is the surrender itself

The same goes for the viola. Before the start of a fierce upward movement, capitulation is needed

Now many alts have jumped out of their two-year savings. Many have already begun to believe in a bull market

And then they were punished by returning the alta last week to the same accumulation zones

This way you kill three birds with one stone

The first is the additional recruitment of positions by smart players, buying off those who, with shaking knees, are now selling or following in the footsteps

Secondly, having returned to the initial position (when no one was fixed at the peak in early March), the one who survives the current dump will fix his positions with his pants full of happiness, believing that they have returned what they had not earned. Thus leaving the rockets

Third, those who are trying to buy back the current dump will make a small profit, again with their pants full of happiness, considering themselves mega-successful investors

And the missiles will fly further, because, as I said earlier, the crowd will outsmart itself

How to arrange a surrender? Launch the cue ball at 60K and test the level from below with a rebound

Then a bacchanalia will begin, everyone will start shorting, sentiment will become ultra-bearish


In the graph below, I have circled the markings from the post of March 27 (you can check the post is in place)

Then I said that I was potentially waiting for manipulation, which I would buy off for the rest of the stables. All in MTHFCK

Look to the right now at the current state of affairs. Ideal, don't you think?

Only then did many people say, “Eh, I doubt that this will happen, but if it does and Viola gives such discounts, I would definitely buy it.”

We've arrived. AND? “Danunah, it’s dangerous, I’d rather wait for another fall and then I’ll definitely buy it back.”

Zhiza. Classic

Maybe lower than alto? Calmly

Will it be higher relative to current ones? No options. Because after the cue ball comes the viola. Dot

The question is that you won’t have time for inputs when she’s already gone. Now they still give you time

You bought 50% higher before the dump. Or buy now. Or buy 50% lower

In essence, this is all - the ACCUMULATION RANGE, and only a small volatility within it

Because there will be X's

And the more your deposit now moves from side to side, the greater its volatility - the higher its growth potential

Because this means that you have those coins from which they want to knock you out as much as possible

Your task is to keep the viola and not fall for a divorce. Because then you will bite the rags. On click. At 3:15. Dads!

Peace, profit and green PnL to everyone :)