In an exciting move for the blockchain industry, Matter Labs recently released a manifesto for their product, #zkSync . In a pivotal bid to foster decentralization, the document titled "ZK Credo" outlines the path forward for the zkSync Era. This article delves deeper into what the manifesto represents and its implications for the future of the network.

Decentralization: The Core Of ZkSync's Manifesto: 

The heart of Matter Labs' manifesto lies in its commitment to decentralization. They've boldly highlighted the need to prevent governance power from concentrating in the hands of a few. This tenet is critical in the #blockchain world where #decentralization is the cornerstone of robust and resilient networks.

The manifesto, which is open for contributions and signatures, is posted on GitHub and the Ethereum Magicians forum. It urges the community to "deeply embrace the elusive concept of decentralization" to ensure lasting protection. The document also argues for the community's ability to migrate to a new network, if necessary, to maintain this decentralization.

ZkSync's Current State And Future Decentralization Plans: 

Currently, the zkSync network is centralized, with Matter Labs operating the prover and sequencer on its network. While the company acknowledges this, it also outlines plans for future decentralization, particularly of the sequencer. However, the manifesto reminds readers that "a steady, pragmatic approach to decentralization is needed," indicating that this journey will require time and perseverance.

The Eight Essential Principles Of ZkSync: 

In addition to its commitment to decentralization, the manifesto delineates eight principles that Matter Labs sees as crucial. They include widely accepted tenets of blockchain technology such as censorship resistance and trustlessness.

Interestingly, the manifesto also highlights three principles that it argues are currently unfulfilled by #Ethereum : privacy, accessibility, and hyper-scalability. These, Matter Labs suggests, can be achieved through zkSync, thanks to zero-knowledge technology.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs And Hyperscalability: 

zkSync leverages zero-knowledge proofs to enhance privacy and throughput on its blockchain network. This technology enables the network to validate transactions without revealing any specific details about them, enhancing both privacy and scalability.

This potential for hyper scalability, combined with increased accessibility and privacy, sets zkSync apart from existing solutions like Ethereum. It's a vision that could redefine the way we perceive blockchain technology.

From a broader perspective, Matter Labs also suggests other networks to adopt the ZK Credo, indicating their openness to collaborate and share their vision for a decentralized future.


Matter Labs' zkSync manifesto signifies a bold and pragmatic approach to decentralization in the blockchain industry. It reminds us of blockchain technology's core values and presents a compelling vision for its future. As we watch this space, it will be exciting to see how this manifesto influences the course of #MatterLabs and potentially, the broader blockchain community.