Coin Circle Junyao: 4.17 clear analysis and operational suggestions

The price of Bitcoin broke through 6w the day before yesterday, and quickly recovered. The lowest price stepped on the mid-term upward trend line, and there was an inflection point, but it does not rule out that it will step back again. This line is the final defense to maintain the good operation of the trend. If it breaks down, the situation may be It's worse. But as long as the adjustment within the box is maintained and an upward relay is formed, the next trend high point may eventually test the extension line, or rise in equidistant segments, then the price will reach at least 8W.

When Xingqing reaches this point, the larger the adjustment range, the longer the adjustment time, and the more willpower and patience are tested. Adjustments in a bull market are normal. Just avoid risks reasonably and stay optimistic without panic. Bigger gains are yet to come.

Jun Yao’s warm reminder: The four-hour clear trend changes very quickly. If you see a good short-term trend, you should close it. Don’t let yourself be 🍑 because of greed. The short-term emphasis is on capital utilization, so you must be willing to stop profits and dare to stop losses, otherwise you will lose it. The meaning of short-term. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥