If you want to make money, please stand in the "opposite direction" first.

What does it mean?

The truth about making money is "anti-human nature". As long as you get rid of human nature, making money is like drinking water.

But most people can't let go of their "human nature".

It can be said that all friends who have been in the currency circle for many years and still haven't made money are "too fond of standing with themselves". You think you are right about everything, so why don't you make money?

If you want to make money in the currency circle, you need an anti-human mentality, which has to mention currency speculation.

Coin speculation is a double-edged sword, which is both heaven and hell, both angels and devils. It can make a few people successful and destroy a large number of people.

Because I think it will rise, I buy a certain currency, and because I think it will fall, I sell it. This casual play is the easiest mistake for all leeks.

The result is a loss of money. I think the most uncomfortable thing is not how much money is lost, but the feeling of loss. The negative emotions under long-term pressure make the whole person depressed and lose rationality.

Trading is often anti-human. Trading requires overcoming more pain, misunderstanding, and loneliness.

Slowly find your own trading rhythm. Don't be whimsical when you are doing well, and don't belittle yourself when you are doing badly. #BTC☀️