412 Incident, war started, market plummeted, account suffered heavy losses, assets halved, young model in club yesterday, beggar on street today, bought a bargain before going to bed, I don’t know when I got screwed, woke up at 6am and took a look at the pie, it was OK, 60000 was not broken, all cottages plunged!! Ethereum killed people, the only one who felt tough was ckb om

Family, did you bring stop loss? Is your account okay? Did it return to zero? This meat grinder market is not suitable for large funds, it hurts a lot when you lose, it’s easy to make mistakes, I’d better take 666u and start the fourth round of 10,000u plan…#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据