#Bittensor What is it and what is not? ( $TAO ) ;

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It is designed as a decentralized machine learning protocol and aims to create a digital hive mind by bringing together the “collective intelligence of AI models”Âč. This decentralized approach allows for rapid expansion and sharing of information, creating an ever-growing network like an unstoppable library of knowledge.

Bittensor's vision is to create a pure marketplace of artificial intelligence. This is an encouraged arena where consumers and producers of this valuable commodity can interact in a trustless, open and transparent context. TAO tokens represent developers' contributions and the quality of their models and have intrinsic value in the Bittensor ecosystem.

The Bittensor protocol is a protocol that enables machine learning capabilities and predictions to be exchanged among participants in a network.

In short, Bittensor; It aims to create a peer-to-peer marketplace of machine intelligence by “revolutionizing the development of machine learning platforms through a decentralized process,” thus creating the “collective intelligence of artificial intelligence.” This creates an open and accessible network that fosters innovation from a diverse community of developers around the world.

Tao Coin, aka Bittensor (TAO), is a cryptocurrency launched in 2021 and

The current price moves in the 720-735 USDT band.

Bittensor may present potential opportunities for investors, considering current trends and market dynamics. However, given the volatility of cryptocurrency markets, it is important to conduct thorough research and carefully plan your risk management strategies before investing.

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