BTC 66,000 points, casual chat

The trading market is the training ground for human nature. If you only start with skills, you will always be just a craftsman and will never reach the other side of success. The so-called essence of the stock market is ultimately outside the stock market. The final competition in the trading market is character and recognition. Know. If you don’t have a good character and cognition, you want to chase after this, and want to have your own share of that. Eventually, a small market shakeup will make you panic, especially at this stage, no matter what Whether it's ups or downs, it's all a nightmare for the contract owner.

If you don't have the skills and training in this market, you will eventually be affected by the extremely high price position over and over again. When the market rises, you will see skyrocketing, and when the market falls, you will see a waterfall. This is an obvious instability of mind. The ultimate reason is that you have invested funds that do not match your own strength. If you have 1,000 grains of rice, you have to do something that has 10,000 grains of rice. Don't worry about other people's rice. Even your own rice cannot be guaranteed.

There is nothing wrong with the current general trend. Whether you are playing with contracts or spot goods, don’t think about breaking out overnight. Give the market more time to adjust and brew. Don’t invest funds that do not match your own strength. To put it bluntly, you must be able to afford to lose. Only by doing this can you survive this period of time. If the chips are gone, everything will be gone. After this pit, a sudden rise will occur, but you will not be able to return to the previous position, and will only go further and further away from success.

The "Tao" of the market is not obvious, nor is it static. The "Tao" of the market is dynamic. Under all current conditions, a new combined force is formed to ultimately determine whether it is upward or downward. If you try to use a static indicator or the wave theory to determine the subsequent trend, there will be no 80-20 rule. Therefore, at the critical moment, the truth is on the opposite side of most people.

Some people may say that there are no absolutes in everything. But I can responsibly tell you that everything has an absolute. What you call "no absolute" has become an absolute again. It's just that the hierarchical dimension of a thing is different. If it is in the same dimension, it is absolute. If it is one dimension higher than it, there is no absolute. , and so on, to the highest dimension is absolute.

People nowadays are very "busy", but who has thought clearly about whether what he is pursuing is a real need or a false need?Are famous watches, cars and bags really needed? Or are they just for show? Why do things return to their original simplicity in the end? People with status should be able to speak confidently even if they ride a bicycle? In fact, this involves the spiritual level. In the end, your confidence is not external but your inner strength. One day, when you remove all your status and external things, what is left is just an "I". At that time, you may find your mission in this world.

Having said so much, I still have to stick to the topic. If you take out even 2 hours a month to relax your mind, do nothing and don't think about anything, you will naturally be more calm and kind than others. These two hours are a luxury for 99.9% of people, because in the modern world of material desires, everyone has been repeating the two words "gains and losses".

Finally: Don't rush to rise, don't panic when it falls. This currency is like an ATM. You will only have money when the time is right. If you don't take it when the time is right, it will be too little or even swallow the card.