(1) How to get started with airdrops for beginners, the last chance for ordinary people |||Starknet has recently released airdrops. In the second half of 23, several of the apprentices I led have made a lot of money. They have played 20 numbers, even if you include witches, one number is equivalent to one number. The average payment was 5,500 RMB, which was really a lot of money.

Recently, I have started to lead them through a one-stop interaction to complete all the unissued projects on sui, striving to get back on track after this bull market.

Although airdrops have been popular since the early days of Uniswap, and it has been a few years now, every bull market still yields terrifying returns. In fact, airdrops are not complicated from today's perspective.

After reviewing the difficulties I encountered when I first started, as well as the teaching experience of several apprentices I brought up since I was a kid, I summarized the following points:

1. Follow the online airdrop tutorial and blindly choose any project.

When I first started to play with airdrops, I followed the online tutorials step by step, and paid the tuition fees to get through. The initial period was very difficult. Now looking back, there are many disadvantages of blindly following the tutorials to play with airdrops.

1. There are too many projects with tutorials, and novices cannot filter which ones are high-quality projects and which ones are suitable for them.

Take me as an example at the beginning. I had tens of thousands of dollars in my hand at the beginning. I followed the tutorials to do projects on the eth chain, made a few random interactions, and the gas fee was a few hundred dollars.

The process has not been completed yet, but I am almost out of bullets. At one point I almost gave up. The critical moment was completed, but the airdrop was not sent to me. When I opened the official website, I saw that there was one condition for the airdrop: there must be eth worth xx in the wallet. However, the tutorial didn't tell me to do this, and even if it told me, I didn't have the money to reserve funds in each wallet at the time. This is the disadvantage of choosing the wrong project that is not suitable for you.

This is pretty good, not to mention some tiring small projects recommended by bloggers. They either don’t issue airdrops for several years, or the value of airdrops is almost negligible, and sometimes they don’t even cover the gas fees they spend. This is why they are If he masturbates, he pays money instead.

(I later learned that there are airdrop rewards for clicking on the blogger’s link to enter them. This is why some people pretend to understand)

Even if you are very lucky, the tutorial you see happens to be suitable for your capital size, it happens to be a high-quality project, it happens that your allocation of positions is very reasonable, and it happens that you accidentally hit and didn't get caught by the witch, it also laid hidden dangers. Because you still don’t have the ability to identify projects by yourself and plan your positions to earn the most profits.

This relies on the understanding of the entire ecological system of the blockchain, the system’s airdrop interaction experience, experience in position allocation, and even investment experience in the secondary market spot.

In fact, these systems can be formed by watching tutorial videos, doing one project after another recklessly, and accumulating losses one after another. But time waits for no one. The bull market has begun, the big-ticket ETF has passed, the United States has cut interest rates, and Bitcoin has halved and three flowers have gathered. It may be the last violent bull market in the history of blockchain, and it is also the last opportunity for ordinary people to turn around and counterattack with very simple efforts. Countless airdrops will follow. After Wall Street enters the market, the fluctuations of Bitcoin will stabilize. Stability means that it is difficult to have the opportunity to get rich. Therefore, comrades, seize the last chance to change your fate. (Long article to be continued)