We say that Bitcoin has value mainly because this coin can continue to appreciate, allowing you to continue to make money, and it is resistant to censorship, violence, and deprivation. It is easy to carry and free to transfer, and it gives personal wealth the inviolable attribute of freedom.

Air coins have no value because they will not continue to rise. They will only make most people lose money and a few people make money.

I thought that everyone who plays with coins knew about this, but in fact, most people don’t know.

Many people have given various reasons as to why most people keep losing money in the cryptocurrency world.

They think that other people make money because of their own abilities, and that I lose money for various reasons, such as: I don’t know how to sell, the selling position is not good enough, I don’t know how to buy, the buying price is too high. I don’t have information advantage, I should have bought earlier. I don’t have enough money. My execution is too poor, I should have made more money, I should not play contracts. I should have known to use his method when playing contracts.

But these are not the real reasons for losing money.

The main reason for losing money is that you don’t understand what is valuable and what is worthless. What is the strategy for dealing with valuable things and what is the strategy for dealing with worthless things.

In summary, their values ​​are not in line with the rules of the cryptocurrency world, which makes them unable to judge whether something is valuable to you.

You care about things that you don't need to care about, and you don't care about things that you should care about.

In the cryptocurrency world, I think that what is valuable is something that can be sustained and replicated. And the premise of being able to replicate is that the thing must be simple enough.

For example, hoarding coins, only buying and not selling, buying in a bear market and selling in a bull market, this is something that anyone can do and can replicate, and this thing itself is valuable.

However, selling high and buying low, swing trading, speculating on hot spots, and chasing concepts are too difficult. The difficulty means that only a very small number of people can do it, and it cannot be replicated. The value of this thing is very low. It can only create wealth value for a very small number of people, and cannot create wealth value for everyone.

If you keep pursuing low-value things, you are destined to get nothing.

I saw a picture online that was very meaningful. Someone was fishing with a fishing rod in a place with few fish, while someone threw a piece of bread in a place with a lot of fish, and the net was full of fish. Someone was holding a cup, waiting for the fish to jump into his cup by the river where the fish were jumping around. This dynamic picture is very vivid.

The laws of nature also imply that effort has nothing to do with the value you gain. Choosing the right direction is the most important thing.

Let’s talk about airdrops. I think it is of great value for novices to accumulate wealth because it is simple and replicable.

But many people care about what to do if they can’t get it, what to do if the gas is too high and wasted, they care about things that they don’t care about. The things they care about themselves are worthless.

I am a person with middle and lower qualifications. I can't do anything too complicated. I can only hoard coins in the currency circle, use various simple knowledge to arbitrage, participate in more activities, and make more money off-site to accumulate wealth. Those who are very good may make a lot of money right from the start, but I may be slower than them and make less money than them. But this is how I understand this matter. Suppose there is a person who is very good, very good and smart. He made 500 million, which is the same as you only making 50 million by hoarding coins. There will not be much change in your life. Because the money earned by arbitrage hoarding coins is the money for the development of the industry. As long as the industry continues to develop, you can enjoy the dividends of this industry, and that's it. This is the valuable and replicable thing we are pursuing.

Many newcomers do not have the ability to judge the value of the cryptocurrency circle. They buy it right away, which is actually very easy to lose money. After losing too much, they will despair and leave this very profitable circle. I think the most valuable thing for newcomers is not to teach them what methods, the key is not what knowledge to learn first, how much money to make, but to find a role model who can make money continuously, observe him closely, and then figure out why he can make money, whether his money-making method is simple, and whether it can be replicated. If so, then this person may be of great value to you, so you should try to get close to him and exchange value with him. This is the most valuable thing for newcomers.

I have heard a lot of people talking about options recently. The name sounds very high-sounding, but in fact, this kind of derivative has no meaning for ordinary people like us.

Let me give you a simple example. You bought a put call option. Suppose you set a price of 200,000 USD to sell Bitcoin. Of course you are satisfied now. You must have imagined how great it would be if Bitcoin could be sold at 200,000 USD. That is just because you underestimated the value of Bitcoin. You don’t know how to calculate. Suppose Bitcoin does not reach 200,000 USD, your option fee is only 6,000 USD. Compared with the current value of Bitcoin, it is only a 10% return. With this 10% return, I can make 2-7% by arbitrage in one day. If you want a year, wouldn’t it be stupid to do this? This is obviously not a value comparison. Suppose Bitcoin reaches 200,000 USD, and it suddenly rushes to 230,000-300,000 USD. You sell it for 200,000 USD, and you still lose money. No matter how you say it, this is a huge loss. But many people are very keen to do it. This is a lack of basic value judgment.

Whether something is valuable to you is very simple. It depends on whether it is simple enough, whether you can use it, and whether it can make you money. If it is simple and profitable, then it is valuable to you.

It is also very simple to tell whether a person is valuable to you. If he does not cause you any loss, does not cause you any trouble, and only makes you money, then he is very valuable to you.

Please believe me, everything I said is wrong.

An old investor who sincerely wishes you to get rich in the cryptocurrency world.