It’s the weekend again, today’s rhythm is oscillating, the fluctuations are not big, and there is no room to enter the market. Looking back on this week, from Monday to Friday, the market won more than 6,606 points of space, and Ether won 287 points of space. On average, it was more than 1,000 points every day. income! Every single item is publicly available on Weibo!

Since the oscillation continues today, we will continue to wait. Even if we go in now, it doesn’t make much sense, and it doesn’t feel good to keep holding on.

We couldn't get a seat in the afternoon, so we had to wait patiently.

In Cheetah's heart, only come if you have a chance. If you don't have a chance, just wait. At least you won't wait.


Friends who are really bored can come to Junyao to brag. The weekend singles group has been set up and you can join at any time!

Weibo comes to Junyao from the currency circle to get on the bus! #BTC超话 #ETH(二饼) #大盘走势