#热门话题 #BTC2二层 #eos

It would be a cool thing if RAMS became Bitcoin’s Layer 2 platform currency! First, RAMS can be like Bitcoin, but faster and with lower fees. do you know? Sometimes it takes a long time to make a transaction with Bitcoin, and the fees are quite expensive. But if RAMS joins in, the transaction speed will be very fast, and the fees will become more affordable, so that more people can use Bitcoin to buy and sell things!

Second, RAMS can help Bitcoin become more practical. do you know? With RAMS, Bitcoin can do more. For example, you can use Bitcoin to borrow money, make investments, and even participate in some interesting games and applications. RAMS makes Bitcoin no longer just a digital currency, but a platform that can do many things!

On top of that, RAMS can also help Bitcoin process more transactions. do you know? Sometimes Bitcoin transaction volume becomes so high that the network becomes overwhelmed. But if RAMS joins in, it will be like an assistant to Bitcoin, which can help process more transactions and make the Bitcoin network more powerful and stable.

Overall, if RAMS becomes Bitcoin’s Layer 2 platform currency, it will bring a lot of benefits to Bitcoin. Transactions will be faster, fees will be lower, usage will be wider, and the network will be more powerful. RAMS is like a good friend of Bitcoin, working together to help Bitcoin become better and benefit more people!

$BTC $EOS 🔥🔥🔥