The release of EOS EVM v0.5.0 is one of the most important milestones and shows how fast the EOS Network has evolved since the Eos Network Foundation Launch.EOS EVM v0.5.0 finished the code completion phase this week and will be activated on the main net soon. This development, essential to the EOS community, is considered the biggest release after the main net. Less than seven weeks after the launch of the EOS EVM main net, this release demonstrates how quickly the EOS network has been developing since the launch of the EOS Network Foundation.The protocol's Yield+ Liquidity program is the main update on the EOS EVM side. This brings liquidity advantages to dApps on the EOS EVM and offers new opportunities for yield farming to DeFi traders within the EOS ecosystem.

The release of EOS EVM v0.5.0 is one of the most important milestones and shows how fast the EOS Network has evolved since the Eos Network Foundation Launch.Yield+ is a token reward program that will attract DeFi dApps to the EOS ecosystem and increase TVL.EOS engineers continue to plan the EOS EVM Deployment Strategy.EOS EVM v0.5.0 finished the code completion phase this week and will be activated on the main net soon. This development, essential to the EOS community, is considered the biggest release after the main net. Less than seven weeks after the launch of the EOS EVM main net, this release demonstrates how quickly the EOS network has been developing since the launch of the EOS Network Foundation.

The protocol's Yield+ Liquidity program is the main update on the EOS EVM side. This brings liquidity advantages to dApps on the EOS EVM and offers new opportunities for yield farming to DeFi traders within the EOS ecosystem.A BRIEF SUMMARY OF EOS EVM V0.5Version 0.5.0 brings several improvements to the performance and user experience of the EOS EVM ecosystem. The biggest of these improvements is the addition of Yield+ to the EOS EVM. Yield+ is a token reward program that will attract DeFi dApps to the EOS ecosystem and increase TVL. This program was implemented on August 28 and continues successfully.The vast majority of industry programs are built with the EVM standard, so it is crucial that DeFi programs be available to dApps in the EOS EVM. The release of EOS EVM v0.5.0 will increase the number of dApps and TVL in the ecosystem. The data of the EOS ecosystem is also an indicator of the right choice of users. DeFi protocols that will participate in Yield+ can access detailed information from from Yield+, other updates also mean a lot to developers that include:Adding read-only transaction execution support to the EVM contract, a necessary component for Yield+ integration with the EOS EVM.Removing advanced execution to increase nested call level, thus enabling contract use cases that may have been rejected before.The “inevm” table now shows up in the ABI, which should allow for easy exploration of the total sum of the EOS balances within the EVM environment using an EOS block explorer.EOS EVM v0.5.0 Deployment StrategyEOS EVM v0.5.0 is ready, with the code completion achieved this week. EOS engineers are carefully planning the smart contract upgrade. The testnet upgrade is currently in progress and will move to mainnet deployment once it goes smoothly.Bottom Line: EOS EVM Reforms Starting NowEOS engineers continue to work without slowing down. Completing the code writing was one of the most critical milestones among all the works and was completed successfully. The Yield+ program is a significant milestone in increasing DeFi dApps in the EOS EVM and TVL in the ecosystem.Many exciting news await the EOS community in the coming months. Yield+ and its accompanying updates are the first of these news. A detailed roadmap for future updates of EOS EVM will be published soon.It is time for an excellent opportunity for developers, dApps, and other Web3 projects to build on EOS. Pomelo has just announced Season 6, which delivers a reward pool of $158,000 for projects that contribute to the public good on EOS. Specifically, a dedicated pool of $65,000 for projects developing on the EOS EVM exists.