I have bought many coins and made dozens of times the profit, and I can share my experience with everyone.

Let me start by saying that the first one is based on personal knowledge, relative to experienced people.

1. Check the history of the founders of this coin. First exclude Chinese people, then exclude founders who have no money, then exclude people who have done evil before, and then exclude people who have cut leeks.

2. Is this currency just a fantasy? It is selling dog meat over sheep's heads. It is obviously a copycat, but it says that it will definitely surpass ETH, kicks BTC, and always says that the next BTC will be the next Ethereum. There are also those who secretly change the concept. Come up with a bunch of concepts, such anonymous privacy, what kind of privacy payments, coins that have no implementation at all but are branded as high-end are all excluded.

3. People who are interested in discussing the currency in the group and distributing profits every day. In the currency circle, you always have to do the opposite of Xiao San.

4. If it has been falling for three years after you bought it, it has never risen. Don’t buy it, no matter how low the price is. It's the kind of currency that falls in shock. The bankers of this kind of currency have long since left, and it is retail investors who are killing themselves. There is no point in gaming.

The second method is a probability method, which I have also played with.

1. This coin is already listed on Binance, or it is listed on Binance and Ouyi Coinbase at the same time. Those who are listed on Binance must have at least passed the Binance Investment Department and paid the currency listing fee to Binance. The cost is still high. Therefore, even if it is very airy, it is still a powerful air coin in the air. You can try it with a small amount of money

2. The price of this coin is 0.0000, and its market value is only between tens of millions and 500 million.

3. The founder is a foreigner.

4. It has not been copied before. It wasn't heavily promoted either.

5. Sort by the market value of Binance, and then choose a few. Don’t buy too much, buy a few thousand yuan, or a few hundred yuan. It is normal for it to become tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands during the bull market.

The above methods are all intersections and must be satisfied at the same time. If one of them is not satisfied, it will be eliminated.

I have selected and purchased several through this method. There will be a few more successes every year.