So I was sending some Bitcoin and the fee was 7$, much higher than the usual 1$, i set the fee to 3$ and thought it’d be fine. It's been multiple days now, and it hasn’t transferred.

And looking at the bitcoin average fee now, it's upwards of about 30$ which is insane

I heard that there’s something going on right now that's taking up all the network thus causing the very high average fees.

I was wondering though, if you all want crypto to become the standard currency worldwide as the dominating one, then how will all the traffic that would bring not cause the same, or worse network traffic of now and cause insanely high fees that will end up making it worse than normal currency?

Also, I know there are cryptos with no fees and are near instant, but why didn’t those become the norm / most popular, and instead bitcoin is?

Curious about your thoughts. I'm quite a newbie on this so I’m not sure if this all is a stupid question.

#feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BTC #eucryptotaxplans