Binance exchange, which suspended Bitcoin withdrawal transactions for 2 times yesterday and tonight and then reopened, announced that it will integrate the Lightning Network into the platform.
Following the Ethereum network fees that increased during the PEPE Coin craze last week, Bitcoin network fees also reached the highest level of the recent period yesterday. Shooting requests on the Binance exchange also reached a record high, which led the exchange to stop trading.
After the stop steps at around 18 o'clock last night and tonight, the stock exchange had reopened shooting operations. While the average transaction fees in Bitcoin also go above $ 15, mempool.according to space data, there are more than 421 thousand unapproved and pending transactions on the network. This figure exceeded 500 thousand for the second time when the stock exchange suspended shooting operations.
The Lightning Network is coming
After all this happened, consecutive statements came from Binance. The Stock Exchange announced that it has taken measures to ensure that the same situation does not happen again, that it will monitor on-chain data more closely, and at the same time, work has begun for the integration of the Lightning Network. #Binance #czbinance #BNB #crypto2023 #eth2.0
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