If you have a small amount of funds, is it better to focus on one coin, or to hold diversified positions?

The market has been very good recently, but many people have not made big profits and run

The reason for losing the big pie is that the positions are too scattered. Although there are coins that have skyrocketed,

But there are also coins that have fallen, and there are profits and losses. Generally speaking, it is one side.

Losing money while making money doesn't mean you gain much.

Some people just stud, hold one full position, and the total funds double in a short period of time, and they are very happy. Therefore, don’t spread your funds too thinly! The profits are endless!

The bull market is coming, even if you are full of shit, you will be driven by the bull market, so please hold on to the coins in your hands. 5#DOGE #ETH #SHIB #BTC #热门话题