A quick look at the popular currency circles in 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuation]

1. [Binance Futures] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#1000bonk +25.27% #1000LUNC +16.29% #AR +14.3% ;#coti -3.6% #PHB -3.56% ONE -3.05%

[Binance Spot] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

BONK +25.27% LUNC +16.16% AR +14.25% ;COTI -3.56% PHB -3.49% ONE -3.05%

【Important information】

1. SenecaUSD sent a message to the hacker on the chain saying that if the funds are returned, 20% will be retained

2. A smart money bought a total of 202 WBTC in the past two weeks, with a current floating profit of US$1.36 million.

3. [Binance] FDUSD regular product is launched: enjoy 7% annualized income reward!

4. Mocaverse announced the launch of PIXEL airdrop, with the first batch totaling 500,000 pieces.

5. Analysis: PORTAL market makers may be DWF Labs and Amber Group

6. Beosin: Due to security vulnerabilities, SenecaUSD was used by hackers to obtain more than 1,900 ETH, worth approximately 6.5 million.

7. The number of crvUSD minted exceeds 160 million, reaching a record high

8. Binance.US will delist Aragon and Waves on March 8

9. ETH worth US$2.4 million and SHIDO tokens worth US$1.2 million were stolen from a certain address

10. The cross-chain protocol SHIDO Network is suspected of running away and sold a large amount of SHIDO at the price of 692 ETH.

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