Fil's 100-fold plan, today's position is flat, I guess I will miss the bull market, and it can only grow insignificantly. The position is already full. I will look at it at the end of the year. It will either increase tenfold or return to zero, that's it.

When Fil rises, please remember to @ me so that I know you have made a fortune.

The most uncomfortable thing is watching other coins skyrocket while your own coins fall instead of rising.

Bear market, come quickly, let's get back to zero together. I am afraid that my brother will suffer hardship, and I am even more afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

Wouldn't it be better for everyone to eat dirt together, because we have to watch others get rich!

Are there any brothers who are Takong? Come and chat #FIL🔥🔥 #HIGH #SXP