I lost 500U today. Due to Fil's poor performance, the pie skyrocketed, but he fell sharply and lost money again.

But after getting on the pirate ship, there is no use regretting. Continue to be bullish. The weekly level breakthrough is completed. It is only a matter of time before it reaches 20. Be more patient and wait for the harvest.

High is rising pretty well, and it looks like it will continue to rise. If you continue to hold it and wait for it to explode, you may be able to get a few times the price.

In addition, if you buy sxp, it will break through the big cycle and the future is limitless. As the leader of the wallet, it should not be a problem to increase by 10 times.

The one with the largest position is Fil. I hope it will rise quickly and don’t lie down, otherwise you will miss the entire bull market! #FIL🔥#high#sxp#内容挖矿 #FIL没上车的上车,目标200,用时两个月