BTC Bitcoin:

The position of the pie is basically within our established framework, and the market will fluctuate even if the upper and lower ranges are not broken.

The short-term daily support moved down to 50,300 strong support after breaking through 51,000 points. It is expected that it is unlikely to fall directly below. The pressure level continues to focus on 52,800 points. The captain’s view is that the adjustment will continue to reach new highs, and it is difficult to achieve 10% of the daily line in the short term. This level has fallen sharply.

ETH Ether:

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade mainnet is scheduled to be launched on 3.13. Before that, one is expected to maintain short-term strength, and after that, it is expected to be strong in the long-term.

The big short position in Ether is expected to continue after May. Although it will be a problem in the short and medium term, it will not affect my idea of ​​​​supporting him.

In fact, Ether's breakout of 2,800 points is considered a new high, and it will definitely be chasing the rise at the end of stagflation. The daily support is 2580 points, and the pressure level continues to be 3400 points. Adjust during the day, and continue to pay attention.


fil had a large level of good news during the day, but the market performance is indeed a bit stretched. You can pay attention to it. It is not a big problem to take a mid-line period at 6.7 and go above 20 points. How did it fall recently and how did it rise? Continue to pay attention Bar.