
Dear brothers and sisters, I found that the gears of fate got stuck just as they started turning!

Didn’t Binance previously have 400U, and was it liquidated?

Fortunately, Ouyi still has 200U, and today it has become 150U.

Didn’t you read some K-line books?

Didn’t you watch the K-line for a few days?

I think I can do it again!

After several days of research, it was found that once a coin that has been uninterested for a long time has a long positive line, it will usually be pulled up to find someone to take over.

Don't tell me, I just found one today.

Empty it! ! !

It turns out that I have no novice protection period at all!

People have gone up!

Why is this? Looking back, I found out that it was listed on the largest exchange in South Korea today!

That's right, I'm talking about $ID.

Grandma, I won’t play anymore. For the remaining 150, I bought 100$BTC and 50U$ETH.

No matter what happens, I still have 0.0027 pie and 0.024 ether, no matter what happens.

Next, learn how to caress your hair seriously, the kind of 0 caress!

Let’s get some lubricating oil, maybe add some lubricating oil, and the gear of fate will turn again!