Due to the interweaving of various factors, $BTC experienced a sharp drop yesterday, with copycat stocks diving one after another and the market in mourning.

But the Bitcoin halving will still arrive on time, and the historical process of cryptocurrency entering people’s lives cannot be stopped. In the future, people will inevitably rely heavily on virtual currency for work and life.

As a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle, I have not witnessed the madness of the previous Bitcoin halvings. This time, I took 100U of Bitcoin and planned to witness this historical moment.

This is my last asset! But I am not panicking at all, not only because it is only 100U, but also because my cognition has been greatly improved through the recent learning: what I can do is to become an early builder and experiencer of blockchain projects, paying the time cost and waiting for the feedback from the project party, so I have become a qualified Mao Mao Party member.

As a retail investor, no matter how much money you have, in this market, the information gap and technical gap determine that you will end up with nothing. Because to put it bluntly, the secondary market is ultimately a huge casino. They are not afraid of you winning, but they are afraid that you will not come; they use the myth of some people getting rich quickly to attract more greedy people; unless you leave forever, you will eventually be trapped... You see, these casino rules are applicable here.

I have lost about 10,000 RMB since I started. At first, I bought high and sold low like a novice. Later, I learned about contracts, and the result is obvious. In the vast ocean of the market, 10,000 RMB is not even a drop of water in the ocean, let alone a small wave. But for me, it is a big loss. So I think, even if I invest another 100,000 or 1 million now, the final result is doomed, unless I run away with a profit and never come back.

So, a week ago, when I found that I had 0.0017 bitcoins left, about 100U, I opened the last coin-based contract to commemorate the bitcoin halving: a 62x contract of 62%. This contract showed a 600% return at its highest, but last night, it had lost only 45U. The reason for opening 62x was not due to any technical factors, but had something to do with my nickname, which was Liuer.

Now, this order is still alive. If I can survive by chance, I will close the position 2 months after the halving, regardless of profit or loss. If the position is liquidated, it is not a big loss, and it is a gamble. No matter what, at the juncture of the fourth halving of Bitcoin, I took 100U of Bitcoin to witness its madness!

Finally, let's talk about the issue of improving cognition. I have observed the type of people in the square who remind you to pay attention to him every day to improve your cognition. Basically, they are contract traders. It's not that contracts cannot be made, but there are also high-skilled gamblers, and of course there are experts in contracts. But these experts will not solicit customers in the square. If you want to be a contract expert, you need to improve your own technical level, which requires you to calm down and study hard, learn technology, not to improve your cognition with others. Other people's cognition cannot reach your mind, and his cognition may not be correct. I have observed a few, and the conclusion is that they are basically gamblers who are desperate to lose and want to cut leeks! It's similar to the dog who sells materials in the football game market. They recommend games to you and accept the results regardless of whether you win or lose. So, buy a few books and read them! You must read the "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator", which is regarded as a classic in the futures contract market. By the way, the author also committed suicide after losing everything.

Okay! Follow me, I can't improve your cognition. But I hope to learn with you and improve your cognition together.

#2024命运的齿轮开始转动 Let us turn the gears of destiny together!

I'm still bullish$BTC #内容挖矿