
Let me report to you:

1. All assets of 500U have been cleared and tuition fees have been paid. Currently, there is only 0.4U left in the account.

Review: The contract has two coins, #1000sats and #PEOPLEUSDT . The reason for these two coins is that I saw a great man on the square and added a WeChat group. He said that PEO was going to rebound. Buy, buy, buy!

Sat is also in this group. A brother bought it and said it plummeted. I thought he had fallen like this and it should rebound. Buy, buy, buy!

Well, both fell into the abyss, and the deposits were constantly replenished, but in the end they were not saved.

After buying these two, I started using them now and used the knowledge from the books I recently learned to verify them. Damn it! These two stocks are basically short selling stuff, but I was fooled!

Therefore, if others cannot be trusted, studying and improving seriously is the way to go.

Yesterday I continued to use the knowledge I learned to verify:

$BTC may be supported at 43,000, and there will be room for substantial upside; $ETH may drop from 2305, and 2300 will not sit still in the short term, so it is suitable for short-term selling.

2. Learning continues. I don’t plan to deposit money in the short term because there is no more money😔. Studying + practicing judgment, I didn’t even understand full position and isolated position, just playing a wool contract.
