A wallet with one bitcoin burned in the Earth's atmosphere

The mission, organized by the BitMEX cryptocurrency exchange, had an ambitious goal - to deliver the main financial crypto asset to the surface of the Earth's natural satellite for the first time. On board the lunar lander was a cold crypto wallet weighing 43 grams with 1 BTC. The module was printed with text from the genesis block of Bitcoin - as the authors of the idea explain, a tribute to the creator of the first cryptocurrency, Satoshi Nakamoto.

However, from its very first hours, Peregrine faced problems. Launched into space ten days ago, the device immediately began to have difficulty maintaining its orientation to the Sun, which was necessary to charge the on-board batteries. Astrobotic engineers discovered a fuel leak in the module's propulsion system, but it was too late. The American space agency recommended that the mission team burn the unit in the atmosphere. Astrobotic reported that Peregrine eventually burned almost completely, and the remains fell somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean. In total, the lunar module was able to fly away from the Earth’s surface only 50,000 km.

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