🛑What is the phenomenon?

BTC and ETH fell silently and sank into the sea. The price has gone up, there are trading masters all over the place, all kinds of posts, all kinds of visions... 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. The accumulation of compound interest has caught up with Buffett in 13 years. In 50 years, the annual compound interest is 20%, 9100 times. Is it really possible?

ăŠ™ïž What is the truth?

It is easy to do it 3 times in 1 year; it is difficult to do it 1 time in 3 years. In the history of American financial investment, only those who have achieved annual compound interest growth of about 20% for more than ten years can shine in the stars. But there is no star fund manager who doubled that year.

Independent thinking and rationality are rare qualifications in the investment market. The more I am in the market, the more I realize that this is a road less traveled.

#investing #crypto2023