You may have heard about copy trading but are afraid to engage in it with your real money because you do not have enough experience to understand it and how it works.
Binance launched a campaign called Fake Copy Trading, specifically for you to have a real experience, but without risking real money, but only with fake money that Binance provides for you to try copy trading. The nice thing is that by participating in this campaign, you will have an experience as if it were real, as if you were trading with your real money, because Binance is like this. The campaign will put you in the position of a real trader.
With all the experience you will have in this campaign, Binance, and its commitment to educating the largest number of people in this world, has given you the possibility of winning prizes if you participate in this campaign.
Participating in this campaign is simple and having the real experience without risking your money is motivating, so do not deprive yourself of learning and gaining another experience in your life. Just follow the following steps to participate with an explanation with pictures:
أولا: قم بالذهاب إلى إشعارات
Second: Click on “Campaign”
Third: Click on the fake copy trading campaign
Fourth: Click on Create an account now
خامسا: اضغط على البدء التداول بالنسخ الآن
سادسا: الان تظهر لك قائمة الاشخاص الذين تستطيع نسخ التداول منهم وذلك بالضغط على النسخ الوهمي
Note: You can only make a maximum of 10 virtual copies.