Share the road that the currency circle has traveled

1. Charts, K-lines and transactions.

Learning is better than not learning, it is just a supplement. It is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away. If you still blindly pursue various technical indicators, it can only be said that you are in the wrong direction.

2. Spot, fundamentals, capital, team, horizontal and vertical ratios, etc.

I can't make any money and I'm confused. It's obviously a good project but it's not rising. It's obvious that the horizontal valuation is not higher than the vertical ratio, but it keeps falling. Why? The understanding must still be insufficient.

3. Emotions, NFT, MEME, market forces, lies and truth.

If you can grasp the rise of emotions, you can make money. But if you don’t know where your emotions are going, it’s easy to lose money. SB’s consensus is also a consensus!

4. Vision: What do VCs, project parties, institutions, and market makers think and do?

Think about the problem from the perspective of the top of the industry, collect information that retail investors cannot see, make a comprehensive judgment, and come to the conclusion: If you don’t know why a currency rises, there must be information you don’t know. It is very important to eat meat with the dealer and drink soup with the dealer. It is important to understand and analyze their movements!

5. Qualitative change: poor information, poor cognition, poor price

Poor information: Are you diligent enough? The currency circle is updated every day. It’s like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Poor cognition: fundamentals, emotions, dealers, how to think from a systematic perspective.

Price difference: Have a correct valuation system and good valuation capabilities.

6. System: price investment logic and currency circle actual combat

The beauty of application lies in one mind. It is gradually difficult to explain an investment decision simply at this level. It is a comprehensive judgment based on a large amount of data and experience. After carefully reading the information of various people who have made huge wealth for a long time in history, after establishing a preliminary underlying framework, combined with actual combat in the currency circle, we will continue to polish it while making money and losing money, and continue to make progress amidst twists and turns.

There are two ways to optimize and speed up these paths:

First, don’t waste a lot of time on technical analysis, just learn it briefly.

The second is the vision part, which can only be accessed by constantly improving your social circle. There is no special trick for this.

Of course, the fastest way is to travel back in time to a few years ago. This is no longer possible. Just pretend that you traveled back in time three years later. Seize the opportunity of the moment.