When you stay up late at night watching the market, this message suddenly pops up.

Share your joy with the world! ! Everyone around me calls you a scam, and the sadness of several years has been released! !

My heart is full of passion for fuckfuck, so I quickly increase my position to fuck.

When you start enjoying wins 20% profit is gone.

After 10 minutes, the chairman came to send a message saying that the account was stolen. This is false news. You can see that the K line in your hand has been broken through. You have received the liquidation message sent to you by the exchange. .

You sit slumped in front of the computer, the whole world is silent, tears well up in the corners of your eyes, and they keep falling down. Maybe we can see you on the rooftop! ! !

This world is dominated by winners and losers. There is no reason to say that if you want to change your destiny, it is understandable. Everyone has the right to change their destiny. Those who don't want to change will not enter this industry.

You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. People are inherently lonely, and there are only lonely brave people on the road ahead.

Just like a doctor's scalpel, an athlete's arrow, and a sniper's weapon, why can they be so accurate or infinitely close to the target?

Nothing is impossible in this world, it’s just that we are too ordinary, so we think it is impossible to talk about it. They have practiced day and night for ten years, and finally reached the height of our ideals.

Everything in the world is subject to change. Only through continuous setbacks, practice, self-reflection, and continuous growth can we reach the stage of making a fortune. This is a place where we strive to realize our self-worth, not a place where we can get rich without thinking and opportunistically. You You can't defeat yourself, no matter where you are or in any industry. .

Dear friends, let’s encourage each other! !