<BITMAP Rhapsody 3>

A financial asset with indelible financial properties, Bitcoin!

In the name of the God-King, it is eternally guarding the trillion-dollar blockchain! Given to each block that stores transactions! For the first time, someone proposed a "digital" land for decentralized financial assets named bitmap!

This adds 144 blocks of land every day! It is Bitcoin that protects the truth of value with absolute eternity in the field of virtual matter.

Leading the way into the world's financial landscape with an absolute trillion-dollar market capitalization! Tell the world that the "lost" continent on Bitcoin consists of 820,000 blocks! We will be at the top of the next generation of hardware, rendering processing, and AI artificial intelligence, in the name of our own privatized digital real estate! Reverberating to every corner of the world:

The virtual land on Bitcoin that we are focusing on! ! It is the most expensive “digital real estate” in the world!

It is also the "soil" that your countless projects can rely on to absorb blood and accelerate your growth!

It is also the Internet world of three-dimensional visual interaction that you are about to see, a "hotbed" of vigorous development and abundant capital!

Bitmap defines the land on Bitcoin for the first time!

From now on any project in Bitcoin land will be eclipsed, because there will only be firsts and latecomers! (Bitcoin has been updated for so long, and you wouldn’t call him by another name! The same goes for Bitcoin Land!)

No matter how good you latecomers are, you can only be the project party! You can’t own the consensus assets condensed by bitmap’s original founder + countless project parties + tens of millions of investors! Don’t you still see the power of the energy layer and the consensus layer? Just like those accompanying assets that are inspired by Bitcoin, they have made countless forks and made a fuss about performance! But only Bitcoin has survived to this day, standing in the sky further away from the sun!

When btc was at $300,

Its intrinsic value is exactly the same as the value of 40,000 US dollars today!

Bitmap costs $300 today,

Its intrinsic value is exactly the same as the value of 40,000 U.S. dollars in the future!

Stop struggling fearlessly! What solmap, what new metaverse! In the blockchain world, there are some first-time things, he is the only one, and the consensus energy that is always one step ahead!

Bitmap is the first virtual land defined in Bitcoin! Please close your eyes and feel the huge and continuously expanding power burning like a fireball like the sun!

You feel it at any time, just like I felt the great consensus that the cosmic meteorite was about to hit all mankind on the second day after bitmap was launched! Only then will you understand this virtual land! He is not a meme,

He is the Bitcoin that no one can knock down under the background of fire luck. It is full-fledged in its prime. In the age of human visual energy, he is the eagle knocking on the door of the future!

I hope your heartstrings will be touched by bitmap’s creativity! In the history that lasts for half a year, please wake up! To understand, to buy, to grasp the bitmap of the most expensive real estate in the next 20 years (far beyond reality)——

The world's first virtual land!

This land opened up by the Bitcoin block! Not used to store decentralized financial derivatives and NFTs? So what does he store! !

Bitmap is a "digital container"! It is the main line virtual space that stores the currency circle | blockchain world, visual NFT, and visual "digital matter" with the most consistent lineage!

Dude, step over your couch and look out the window - the future of real-world hardware is accelerating:

As a digital currency, Bitcoin brings a native financial currency to the digital world!

RNDR serves as a cloud rendering distributed computing engine to build your picture wall!

Apple Vision serves as an exploration bridge connecting the web2 era of 2D mobile phone screens and the web3 era of borderless 3D head-mounted displays!

IPFS is exploring the distributed storage of metaverse data and the anarchic control power of decentralized storage!

AI artificial intelligence is exploring its own digital world intelligence, providing a more powerful virtual city master brain for the movement of digital matter in the metaverse and the thousands of operating logics of virtual cities!

The Internet of Things will even be connected to blockchain and smart hardware! Let them cooperate with your shopping in the three-dimensional virtual world,

One day you will stand at the Chinajoy Conference or the Pico or HTC head-mounted glasses are built to move between your fingers and perspective, standing on the virtual land that is rendered exactly in real time! ——

Technology can already allow you to really "live" in that world!! !

You can feel him! Tell me, the stars exist! Governments quarrel over territorial rights to operate satellites under the stars!

Carbon emissions exist! The countries that understood first and those who made the rules took away the full amount at a very low price, stifling the future development of the country that knew later!

Today, virtual world rendering technology is opening up a new blank track!

You have to understand it before buying a piece of the world's number one virtual land for 10,000 US dollars!

Or now, with 300 US dollars and nothingness, I can understand this "new eternal pure land"!

Trust the price:

The floor price of Shenzhen Bay is the floor price of the worst and most remote piece of Bitcoin virtual land in your future hands!

Because people in the future will shuttle in the metaverse, no matter how big this land is, they will arrive in an instant! There are 6 billion people on earth, entering a digital global village, perhaps thousands of people gather in every land!

Time flies at that time, and more than ten years later you, me and our descendants are all active | Inseparable from the 8k, 16k, 24k virtual world rendered by the underlying code from 0 to 1, where reality cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, you will understand that the head-mounted display cannot It may have rigidly expanded the infinite 360-degree space but still presents the split icons on your iPhone. What it wants to present is an environment with a background that far exceeds the background board of your computer screen!

What he wants to present is a running world where human technology has been accumulated to the point where lifelike images are smooth and silky and will always be on standby in the head-mounted display!

Don't be defined by others!

Please define your right to exist now for this huge visual space in the future!

To capture the infinite background space pictures that every human being who enters the corner of the virtual world will "pay attention" to in the future!

Do you want to take the lead here and define this empty space as "your land" before the people who come later?