<BITMAP Rhapsody 4>

No matter how awesome all the metaverse technologies in the future are, who can compare with the appreciation of "decentralized" bitmap and the right to store "noble nft" in terms of financial speculation and asset appreciation attributes?

You can now firmly grasp the most expensive virtual space that people will see in the 24k landscape of head-mounted displays in the future!

What you are hyping is the pricing power of the virtual space that everyone must "watch"!

Trust bitamp, I understand? And you?

In 2030, when the underlying code from O to 1 is rendered to 8k, 16k, and 24k, the naked eye will be unable to distinguish the virtual city in front of us, the mottled particles on the city wall, the subtle texture in human pupils in another world, and the seagulls flying in front of the neon-like church. Racing competition!

Pick off the apple vison and you live on the sofa

Wearing Apple Vision, you live in the shouts of millions of people!

Games in the virtual world may be more fascinating than real football games! A cloud speed car that loses gravity? The rendering of the future is far beyond reality, and the visual effects flutter between reality and the incredible!

Re-open the Bitmap in your Magicden! Keep an eye on the orange land!

The large background window under the future head-mounted display,

This piece of virtual land totals 820,000 pieces!

It will be in the stereoscopic virtual virtual network of the Internet,

The materialized pronoun of Bitcoin assets!

Bitmap doesn’t need prayer,

Its name will be heard everywhere in the future digital space


@blockamoto @animocabrands