According to Cointelegraph, Wharton professor and author of "Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI" Ethan Mollick recently said that if artificial intelligence becomes smarter than humans, financial traders may be the first to notice it.

Mollick made this point on the X social platform on September 24, which immediately triggered responses from many accounts in the cryptocurrency community.

Mollick believes that if AGI materializes, traders will find that their strategies and trades suddenly become ineffective, while an unknown company is always on the winning side.

AGI refers to AI systems that can perform any human task, which could result in machines implementing optimal trading strategies. Mollick suggested that the temptation to control global financial markets using advanced AI systems is too great for the organizations behind them to resist.

While there are no scientific benchmarks that determine when or how AI will become AGI, some companies claim that human-level AI is possible within a few years.

Scientists predict that AGI could emerge through self-evolution from multiple developers, even surprising them. AI systems could enter financial trading systems through cryptocurrencies or manipulate altcoins to coordinate transactions on a large scale.

However, if the development of AGI requires constant human supervision and guidance, traders may not be the first humans to be affected by it.

One AI developer said if OpenAI's o1 can pass OpenAI's research engineer interview, why continue to hire human engineers? Perhaps the first sign that machines are becoming as capable as humans is that companies stop hiring engineers and developers.