According to Odaily, has announced that users can win mystery tokens by staking ETH. The opportunity will be available from May 27, 2024, at 8:01, until June 1, 2024, at 7:59. The number of mystery tokens to be distributed will be determined by the number of mystery box tokens divided by the number of staked ETH. has not disclosed any further details about the mystery tokens. However, the announcement has sparked interest among the platform's users, who are eager to take advantage of this unique opportunity. The event is expected to encourage more users to stake their ETH on the platform.

This move by is seen as a strategic step to boost user engagement and participation on their platform. It is also expected to increase the overall staking activity of ETH, which could potentially lead to a rise in its value. However, users are advised to carefully consider their decisions and understand the risks involved in staking and token trading.